Emergency Contraception
Using emergency contraception (also called the morning-after pill) is not an alternative to real methods of contraception and should only be used in particular emergencies. For that purpose there are too many side effects and the degree of safety is too low but it is of course better than nothing at all.
The method of emergency contraception consists of two tables that contain the female hormone progestin. You should take two tablets at the same time as fast a possible. You menstruation will be of normal strength and arrive at normal time.
The emergency contraception should be used at least three days (72 hours) after the unprotected intercourse. The pill can be bought over the counter at the pharmacy. If you take the tablets within 24 hours the effect is twice as great as waiting till two days after.
The emergency contraception affects the mucous membrane in the uterus so that the egg cannot attach. Thereby your risk of becoming pregnant is significantly reduced. The method is far from 100% safe. The preparation is effective with 85% meaning that if 100 women use emergency protection as the sole protection for a year, 15 of them become pregnant.
The most frequent side effects are nausea and vomiting which is seen with a lot. If you throw up a few hours after you have taken the emergency contraception, you should see if there are tablets in the vomit and if there are, you should immediately take two new tablets.
You should not use the emergency contraception more than once between two menstruations.
You should always perform a pregnancy test 3-4 weeks after you have taken emergency contraception.
Unprotected intercourse is a good occasion to consider a safe method of contraception.